What Training Do Foundation Doctors Feel They Require to Develop as Clinical Teachers?
To explore the teaching that foundation doctors at the University Hospital of North Midlands undertake and what training they believe is necessary to develop as clinical educators.
A mixed methods approach consisting of questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGDs), following an explanatory sequential design. FGD data was thematically analysed.
Thirty-four responses to the questionnaire were analysed. 97% respondents felt that teaching was an important part of their job role. The amount of time spent teaching each week varied from no time to more than two hours, and on average 25% of this teaching occurred outside of clinical hours.
Foundation doctors enjoy teaching and want to help others. Challenges described were lack of time, shortage of opportunities and others’ perceptions of their ability to teach. Foundation doctors requested tailored training and formalised feedback to facilitate their development as teachers.
This study has shown that foundation doctors undertake a significant amount of teaching and there is a clear desire for additional training. These doctors utilise different teaching methods to their seniors and therefore any training should focus on ad hoc sessions, ward supervision and bedside teaching. Local trusts, medical schools and the UK foundation programme could do more to support foundation doctors’ development as educators by giving them protected time and formalised feedback opportunities. Foundation doctors could be an untapped resource to support the medical school expansion plan in educating the increased numbers of medical students over the coming years.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v12i2.6714
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Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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