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Bunyawanich, Sasanun, Suan Dusit University (Thailand)
Burge, Penny L., Virginia Tech (United States)
Burgoyne, Molly E, Elon University (United States)
Burlbaw, Lynn M., Texas A&M University, USA (United States)
Burmaoglu, Gul Eda
Burt, Louis David, University of Newcastle (School of Education) Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition (Australia)
Burton, Amy M.
Bütüner, Suphi Önder, Bozok University (Turkey)
Buyukalan, Sevil Filiz, Gazi üniversity (Turkey)
Büyükbasmacı, Yunus Emre
Büyükbayraktar, Çağla Girgin, Faculty of Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey
Buyukbayraktar, Cagla Girgin
Büyükturan, Esin Bağcan, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Büyükyavuz, Oya
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Paper Submission E-mail: jets@redfame.com
Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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