Effect of Sports Satisfaction on Aggression and Stress in Judokas and Swimmers
Entirely 60 athletes (39 judokas and 21 swimmers) participated in this study that was performed in 2 different branches (contact and contactless). The purpose of this paper was to determine the effect of sports satisfaction on aggression level and stress. Three different scales as the stress scale, aggression scale, and sports satisfaction scale were used to collect the data. T-test, one way ANOVA test, regression and correlation tests were used in independent groups to analyze the data obtained from these scales. SPSS 24.00 packaged software analyzed the data. It is seen when an evaluation based on the branches are actualized that point averages of sports satisfaction of both the judokas and swimmers are at a good level. While there is no significant difference in terms of the branch, gender, and education, there are significant differences (p<0,01) in terms of the age group variable at the same time. With reference to our other finding, there is a negative relationship between the sports satisfaction and stress (r=-,320, p<0.01). As the sports satisfaction increases, stress level decreases at the same time. There is seen a negative significant relationship between the age group and aggression levels (r=-,374, p<0,01). As the age decreases, the aggression level increases.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v6i6.3142
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