Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Contemporary Education, Vol. 7, No. 2

William Oscar


International Journal of Contemporary Education (IJCE) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether IJCE publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.

Reviewers for Volume 7, Number 2


Božić-Lenard Dragana, University of Osijek Croatia, Croatia

Claire Goode, Otago Polytechnic at Te Pūkenga, New Zealand

Dina Radeljas, Mohawk Valley Community College, USA

Edward Bolden, Case Western Reserve University, USA

Giuseppe Maugeri, University of Urbino, Italy

Inaad M Sayer, University of Human Development, Iraq

Ivan Lenard, Elementary School Ladimirevci, Croatia

Matthew Schatt, University of Florida, USA

Said K. Juma, State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania

Vassiliki Pliogou, University of Western Macedonia, Greece


William Oscar

Editorial Assistant

International Journal of Contemporary Education


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International Journal of Contemporary Education

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