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Adeba, Melkamu, Keiser University (United States)
Adediwura, A. Alaba
Ahmed, Oli, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
Al-ghaithi, Hamed Aamir Mohammed Aamir
Al-Ta’ani, Mohammed Hamid
Albaladejo-Ortega, Sergio, Catholic University of Murcia (Spain)
Albu, Adriana
Alibegovic, Abdel
Aljadani, Anwar Saad, King Abdulaziz University
Aljadani, Anwar Saad
Aljadani, Anwar S, King Abdulaziz University
Allen, William E.
Amoako, Isaac
Amunga, Jane
Arnouss, Doha
Arthur, Brittany
Asamoah-Gyimah, Kenneth
Baclayon, Milagros B., University of San Jose Recoletos Cebu City (Philippines)
Bădăluță, Arina
Bailey, Autumn, Behavior Analysts, Inc.
Bakic, Sarina
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International Journal of Contemporary Education
ISSN 2575-3177 (Print) ISSN 2575-3185 (Online)
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