A Comparative Meta-Analysis of 5E and Traditional Approaches in Turkey
Özgür Anil, Veli Batdi
The aim of this study is to compare the 5E learning model with traditional learning methods in terms of their effect on students' academic achievement, retention and attitude scores. In this context, the meta-analytic method known as the ‘analysis of analyses’ was used and a review undertaken of the studies and theses (N=14) executed in Turkey over the period 2008-2014 on the 5E model. The goal of the review was to determine the efficacy of the 5E instructional model in terms of academic achievement, retention and attitude scores. The treatment effect method was used in the data analysis and the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) statistical program, the MetaWin and Microsoft Excel 2010 Office programs were employed for the effect size calculation. The effect size values resulting from the analysis were interpreted according to Cohen classification (1992). When academic achievement, retention and attitude scores in the studies implementing the 5E instructional model were calculated according to the random effects model, effect size values were found to be ESacademic achievement=1,132, ESretention: 1,417 and ESattitude=0,552, respectively. In regard to academic achievement and retention, it can be inferred that these effect sizes of the 5E learning cycle were large and medium with respect to attitude, while both were positive and significant. It can therefore be said that the 5E model has a positive effect on academic achievement, retention and attitude scores.
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Journal of Education and Training Studies ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN 2324-8068 (Online)
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