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Fichten, Catherine, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Dawson College, Adaptech Research Network (Canada)
Fichten, Catherine S.
Figueroa-Rodríguez, Sebastián
Finch, Kim
Finch, W. Holmes
Fırat, Necla Şahin (Turkey)
Fitnat, Koseoglu, Gazi University
Fitzpatrick, Caroline, Alvernia University
Fives, Allyn
Flanagan, Tara
Flicker, Sarah, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada (Canada)
Flynn, Susan, Planned Parenthood Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Canada)
Folami, Florence F.
Foley, Vikki, School of Medicine, Keele University, Keele, UK
Foster, Manda S.
Foster, Manda
Fotopoulos, Nikos, 1) Department of Social and Education Policy, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece 2) Center for Educational Policy Development of the Greek General Confederation of Labor, Athens, Greece (Greece)
François, Mbemba
Franklin, Hayley, University of New England
Frasson, Claude, Département d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle
Frasson, Claude, Université de Montréal
Frenay, Mariane
Froelich, Christa (United States)
Fuangvut, Parin
Fucuta, Patrícia da Silva

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