Effect of Maximal Anaerobic Loading on Lower Extremity Proprioceptive Sense in Soccer Players
This study was carried out to determine the effect of lower extremity muscle fatigue on proprioceptive sense in soccer players. 26 male soccer players who play licensed soccer in the amateur soccer teams of the Ağrı province and who was not injured in the past year (Age 20,03±3,38, weight 65,69±10,66, height 176,61±8,72) participated in the study voluntarily. The lactic acid concentration of the participants at rest and their proprioceptive sense measurements were determined by standardized methods and materials. Then, Wingate test was applied to the participants. The lactic acid concentration and proprioceptive sense measurements were repeated at the end of the test. The analysis of the collected data was carried out through the SPSS 22 program. Shapiro-Wilks test was conducted for normality distribution. Independent-Samples t-test was carried out in the comparison of test and control groups and Paired-Samples t-Test was utilized in the comparison of differences between pretest and posttest means. It was concluded that lower extremity fatigue in soccer players has a negative effect on lower extremity proprioceptive sense (p<0.05).
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v7i2.3768
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