A Comparison of Some Parameters of Football Players According to the Leagues They Play In
The purpose of this study was to compare some parameters of football players playing in 3rd League, BAL (Regional Amateur League) and SAL (Super Amateur League) according to the leagues they play in.
Body height, body weight, body mass index, age, age of becoming a registered football player, vertical jump, anaerobic power, shuttle run, aerobic capacity (MaxVO2), leg strength, back strength, right-hand grip strength and left-hand grip strength parameters were measured in this study. ANOVA test, which is one of the parametric tests, were applied for the analysis of the data and significance level of p˂0.05 was sought.
In conclusion, significant differences among the leagues were found according to height, vertical jump, anaerobic power, shuttle run, aerobic capacity, leg strength and back strength. However, no significant differences were found on body mass index, age, and age of becoming a registered football player, right-hand grip strength and left-hand grip strength parameters.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v6i11.3591
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