30 Years Trend of Competitive Balance in Turkish Football Super League
We must point out that the results of football games affect the competitive balance degree. In other words, the calculations we made in the score table at the end of the season give us a degree of competitive balance. The degree on which the concept of competitiveness is based is cited as competitive balance in football. Sports economics can be defined as the degree to which overall league attendances are raised by such measures as media effect, home advantage, income sharing, all of which aim to strengthen the competitive balance. The aim of this study was to gauge the competitive balance in Turkish football league. Using long term competitive balance analysis, some of the matters encountered and possible precautions to be taken were approached in a way that can discuss the mentioned subjects throughout the 1987-2017 seasons in Turkish Football Super League (TSL). The present study examined the way that competitive balance level followed in the history of super league (30 years). For this purpose, C5 Competitive Balance Index (C5CBI) and a Herfindahl index of competitive balance (HICB) were benefited. Finally, competitive balance factor was observed to have occured time to time; however, when looked in terms of total, a view apart from competitive balance can be clearly seen.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v6i1.2844

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