The Effect of Digital Storytelling on Chinese Foreign Learners’ Oral Proficiency

Huijing Chen, Guan Huang, Qian Wang, Kunpeng Zhao


Grounded in the Output Hypothesis Theory, this research proposes a pedagogical intervention utilizing digital storytelling (DST) to address the problems of current Chinese oral instruction and examine its effects on the oral proficiency of Chinese foreign learners. A two-month empirical study involving international students from two language classes revealed that, compared to the control group, the experimental group students’ oral performance significantly improved and had a significant impact on the fluency, accuracy, and complexity in second language oral production. The findings suggest that DST instruction can effectively improve students’ oral proficiency and play a positive role in promoting language acquisition. Furthermore, the results highlight the significant research potential of integrating DST into Chinese oral language instruction.

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International Journal of Contemporary Education

ISSN 2575-3177 (Print)   ISSN 2575-3185 (Online)

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