Development of the Life Emotions Rating Scale for Older Children and its Reliability Tests

Feiyue Zhou


The cultivation of the emotion of life is the core of life education, which truly conforms to the logic of life education and truly reflects the value of life education. However, limited to the monistic characteristics of the evaluation of the kindergarten and the abstract characteristics of the emotion of life, the cultivation of the emotion of life of young children in the kindergarten has been neglected, and it is difficult for life education to play the real value. Based on an extensive literature review, we developed the "Kindergarten Children's Life Emotions Assessment Scale," designed to visualize life emotions. This assessment aims a't enhance the feasibility of cultivating these emotions by making them more visible. The development process included conducting initial and formal measurements with 148 questionnaires, performing item analyses, and conducting reliability tests.The results show that the reliability and validity of the Kindergarten Early Childhood Life Emotions Assessment Scale meets the requirements of psychometrics, and that this assessment scale has good statistical significance.

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International Journal of Contemporary Education

ISSN 2575-3177 (Print)   ISSN 2575-3185 (Online)

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