Writing Script and Audio Production: Movement to Strengthen Javanese Radio Drama in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tirto Suwondo, Ahmad Zamzuri, Yohanes Adhi Satiyoko, Drajat Agus Murdowo, Sri Yono, Kustri Sumiyardana, Rina Ratih Sri Sudaryani


This study aims to gain a deep understanding of the subjective experiences of participants who are directly involved in the strengthening movement to uncover the development of Javanese radio dramas in Yogyakarta. Due to the abstract nature of the data, including people's experiences in drama radio and radio broadcast fields, this study employs the interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA) to explore and understand these experiences. We used IPA to process qualitative data from interviews with nine participants who were actively involved in strengthening Javanese radio dramas. The study's findings indicate that participants' subjective experiences in the reinforcement movement provide an overview of the positive development of Javanese radio dramas. Several actions, such as raising awareness, writing scripts (through workshops and competitions), nurturing talent, producing audio, evaluating, and enhancing the community's role, sparked this development. These actions encourage the manager's optimism about restoring Javanese dramas as an important part of the Javanese people's identity. This research not only helps policymakers re-evaluate local cultural preservation and development programs, but it also opens up space for cultural movers in general to find alternative ways to prevent the degradation of Javanese culture in the digital era.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/smc.v12i4.7053


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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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