Disinformation Unveiled: Tracking Media Hoaxes to Build Public Literacy for Indonesia’s 2024 Elections

Gun Gun Heryanto, Mohammad Zamroni, Yanti Dwi Astuti


This research aims to describe the phenomenon of information disruption through hoax news related to the 2019 Election in the media, and to use this understanding as a foundation for enhancing media literacy among the public for the 2024 Election. The emergence of various hoax news content across both digital and conventional media has disturbed the public and has the potential to trigger national divisions. This study employs a descriptive qualitative textual analysis method with item analysis units. Data were collected from political hoax content related to the 2019 Election, and analysis was conducted using a coding sheet for units of analysis. The research findings reveal: firstly, the phenomenon of information disruption is reinforced by the spread of hoax content related to political news about the 2019 Election, as evidenced by the analysis of the top 10 news items; secondly, the forms and types of hoax content concerning political news about the 2019 Election are predominantly classified into 7 categories of hoaxes according to the First Draft; thirdly, there is a need for media-savvy strategies ahead of the 2024 Election, which includes mastering digital literacy.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/smc.v12i4.6931


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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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