Practicing Netiquette in Online Communication Between Students and Professors in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

Amr Assad, Akhmed Kaleel, Izani Zainal, Rizwan Wadood


The main objective of this research is to perform an in-depth analysis of current online behaviors and desired netiquette rules among students and teachers in higher education institutions. The pervasive integration of technology into education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has necessitated a shift from traditional face-to-face learning to online platforms. This transition highlights the importance of netiquette— a set of guidelines for etiquette on the internet. The systematic literature review design was performed to critically and analytically explore the findings of the previously published studies on the topic. A total of 8 peer-reviewed articles passed the inclusion criteria and were reviewed to extract data for the analysis. A PRISMA model was used to conduct the systematic literature review process. The review conducted in this study examines the extent to which these norms are understood and adhered to within higher education, particularly focusing on communication between students and professors. The research encapsulates the evolution of online communication practices and identifies the challenges and opportunities arising from the reliance on digital platforms in academic settings. By synthesizing existing literature, the study reveals gaps in knowledge and practice regarding netiquette, underscoring the necessity for more targeted research to develop effective strategies for fostering positive and productive online interactions. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the enhancement of communication practices in digital learning environments, thereby improving the overall quality of education delivered online.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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