The Theory of Gradual Landing of Public Opinion During Crises

Ali A. Alkarni


Public opinion is under consideration not only in the media but also in other fields, such as political science, social studies, and psychology, especially with the growing crises affecting institutions and countries during the 20th and 21st centuries. It is noticeable that there are few theories that explain many of the phenomena associated with public opinion, especially in the era of modern communication technologies and social media. This gap necessitated the development of a theory of gradual landing in public opinion during crises. This theory was developed by reviewing extensive literature on public opinion, crisis management, and media theory related to public opinion. The theory deals with four major variables: event, media, audience, and the parties involved in the conflict or crisis. These variables encompass the mechanisms that determine the paths on the rise and decline of public opinion issues. This theory integrates the degree of the significance of the topic and the media's interest. This theory helps identify various cases of rise and decline in the level of interest in public opinion within society.

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International Journal of Social Science Studies   ISSN 2324-8033 (Print)   ISSN 2324-8041 (Online)

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