Language, Power, and Social Dynamics in Online Gaming: A Discourse Analysis of Toxicity and Inclusivity in Digital Spaces

Mohammad Awad AlAfnan


The article explores the intersection of language, power, and social dynamics in online gaming communities, focusing on toxic and inclusive language within multiplayer digital spaces. Through a discourse analysis of player interactions, this study investigates how language functions as a tool for asserting dominance, marginalizing certain groups, and fostering inclusivity. While toxicity remains pervasive in many gaming environments, with players using exclusionary language to assert control and maintain power hierarchies, inclusive language emerges as a counterforce, enabling players to challenge these norms and create more cooperative and supportive spaces. The findings reveal that toxic language- such as gendered insults and racial slurs- is predominantly used by more dominant players, particularly those with higher skill levels or social status within the game. These behaviors reinforce power imbalances and contribute to the exclusion of ‘other’ groups, including women and players who belong to different ethnic background. Conversely, inclusive language, including gender-neutral terms, supportive comments, and active resistance to toxic speech, is employed as a form of resistance by players seeking to create an environment that values respect and equality. Despite the ongoing prevalence of toxic behavior, inclusive language was found to be a significant part of player interactions, offering a pathway to challenge oppressive power structures and build solidarity. The study contributes to the growing body of research on the role of language in shaping digital spaces, emphasizing the importance of discourse in both perpetuating and disrupting power dynamics. The implications of these findings suggest that game developers and community leaders must take a more proactive role in addressing toxic language and promoting inclusivity through design features, policies, and community guidelines. By highlighting the role of language in constructing power relations and fostering inclusivity, the article calls for a more inclusive approach to online gaming, where all players, regardless of their identity, can participate and thrive without fear of harassment or exclusion.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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