Media Narratives on China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Nepal: Impact on Nepal-China Relations

Lok Bahadur BK, Yonghong Dai, Ashok Poudel, Dipak Devkota


China and Nepal have signed a number of bilateral agreements aimed at expanding mutual cooperation in infrastructure, trade, investment, and cultural exchange. With Nepal currently involved in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects, China's BRI has provided a foundation for future economic collaboration in the region. This paper utilizes framing theory and qualitative content analysis to explore the media narratives on China's BRI projects in Nepal by three prominent Nepalese newspapers: My Republica, The Himalayan Times, and The Kathmandu Post. Analyzing news articles, the study examines how these newspapers frame BRI projects in Nepal across economic, geopolitical, and sociocultural dimensions. The analysis contributes to a comprehensive understanding of Nepal's participation in the BRI framework by highlighting the complexities and considerations across economic, geopolitical, and sociocultural domains using framing theory and qualitative content analysis methodology. The study reflects various media narratives on Chinese BRI projects in Nepal and its impacts on public opinions in understanding about BRI.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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