The Development of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies for Organizing International Running Events

Chetthaphat Siriwatthanatrakarn, Karun Kidrakarn


This study employs a mixed-methods approach with the following objectives1) To study integrated marketing communication strategies for organizing international running events. 2) To examine the factors influencing the decision to participate in international running events. 3) To investigate the service marketing mix (7Ps) factors that affect the decision to participate in international running events. 4) To analyze the influence of social media on the participation in international running events. The findings reveal that successful marketing strategies for international running events require clear objectives and distinctive product positioning, incorporating creative elements with local identity, culture, traditions, cuisine, and tourist attractions into the event design. These elements should be reflected in race apparel, medals, trophies, and the overall atmosphere to enhance participants' experiences, which can then be shared on social media platforms. This approach fosters loyalty and encourages repeat participation and event promotion. Additionally, integrated marketing communication tools must be utilized to effectively engage potential participants and stimulate interest. Among the 7Ps of service marketing, the distribution channel emerged as the most influential factor affecting participation decisions. Structural equation modeling analysis further indicates that the marketing mix factors directly influence social media exposure, and both marketing mix factors and social media exposure directly impact the decision to participate in international running events. Indirectly, social media exposure mediates the relationship between the marketing mix and participation decisions.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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