Ethical and Legal Model of the Cybermedia: Case Study in North Sumatra, Indonesia

Dedi Sahputra, Agnita Yolanda, Abdul Haris, Selamat Riadi, Agung Suharyanto


In the new media era, most violations cases of press ethics and law are made by cybermedia in Indonesia. At the same time, cybermedia is one of the factors driving national stability, as well as a factor encouraging democratization. This study aimed to determine the ethical and legal model indicators of cybermedia from the Indonesia Cybermedia Union (SMSI) of North Sumatra case study. The research is a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Data were collected from interviews with 39 journalists through questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGD) with two press experts, two North Sumatra SMSI administrators and an honorary board member of the press organization. The results of this study indicated that five problems were indicators of models for implementing press ethics and law in cybermedia. First, increasing the competence of journalists in several ways, such as encouraging journalists to take the journalist competency tests and conducting training; second, encouraging cybermedia verification by the Press Council; third, providing legal assistance for journalists who were caught in the law; fourth, following the existing rules of press ethics and law. This was done because cybermedia did not have its own rules of ethics and press law; fifth, conducting an interaction model with stakeholders through journalist competency test activities.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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