Examination of the Relationship between Certain Gene Variations and Psychological Factors with Physical Activity Level in the Individuals with the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders
The research aims to examine certain gene variations and to examine relationship between psychological factors and activity levels by the individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar diagnosis. This research has been conducted with the participation of the patients with schizophrenia and bipolar diagnosis in the Mental Facility of Bursa Dört Çelik at the University of Health Science and all the patients take part in physical exercise activities regularly. During the research, IPAQ has been applied to determine participants’ physical activity levels whereas Beck’s Depression Inventory, Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, Staı Form TX-I-II, Beck’s Hopelessness Index has been applied to determine their psychological status after socio-demographic information of participants was obtained by demographic form. In order to examine properties of the participants genetically, oral swabs were obtained by SWAP kite. Genetic variations of cases have been recurred as a result of genotyping analysis of MAO-A, COMT, TH and SLC6A4 genes in GenoFeel panel by using isolated DNAs yielded from swap samples. When the results obtained from statistical analysis are analyzed, it has been seen that genetic properties pair with psychological factor meanwhile the characteristics of diseases bear a resemblance to these measurement. It was determined in this research that, genetic factor were matched with psychological factors, these measurement results resembled with the characteristic of diagnosed ailments as well and schizophrenia and bipolar patients have significance in MAO-A and COMT figures, excessive activation of TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) enzyme may also be included in excessive dopamine production, Homozygote mutation and heterozygote genotypes of gene which is related to SLC6A has rational increase whereas no significance was observed in schizophrenia patient’s group. As a consequence it shouldn’t be neglected that exercising should be a part of schizophrenia and bipolar patients’ life, that exercise, genetic parameters and psychological tests have positive contributions for treatments and that medical treatment has positive contributions with exercise.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v7i4.4072
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