Developing Attitude Scale, Reliability and Validity for Pre-Service Teachers towards Drama Lesson

Özkan Çelik, Hafife Bozdemir, Gökhan Uyanık


The purpose of this study is to develop an attitude scale for pre-service teachers towards drama lesson. Survey model was used in study. The sample of study consisted of 258 pre-service teachers. “Attitude scale towards drama lesson for pre-service teachers” was developed and used as data collection tool. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to provide evidence for construct validity of scale. For factor analysis, SPSS 19.0 statistical package software was used and Kaiser Meyer Olkin test (KMO) and Bartlett Sphericity test methods were used to determine suitability of data to principal component analysis. In confirmatory factor analysis, suitability of model which came out in exploratory factor analysis was checked out. Lisrel 8.7 package software was used in this process and it was benefited from the values of chi-square (χ2), Degrees of Freedom (df), and Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). Drama experts’ opinions were taken in order to ensure content validity. In conclusion, the final form of scale which consisted of 31 items was obtained and Cronbach alpha (Crα) value was calculated to get internal consistency coefficient. This calculated value was determined as .965.

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