Effectiveness of Qualitative Research Methods: Interviews and Diaries
The present study aims to explore the effectiveness of qualitative research methods. The qualitative research method has been opted after a thorough literature examination. The concept of triangulation and the process of multi-method qualitative research on error correction and students’ motivation were also examined. The results discovered more about the participants as he or she reads their diaries containing their detailed opinions and feelings. Subjectivity is another remarkable feature of diaries for learners to improve their writing skills and to use diverse vocabulary to express their views and emotions. Reviewing the information within a diary helps people to judge their behaviour and others, towards certain events. It was depicted that the triangulation method assists to have a more in-depth understanding of the recorded entries in the diaries by using semi-structured interviews. Both approaches were found to comprise of advantages and disadvantage, where the selection is based on the nature of the study and the understanding of the researcher. The results of the present study help guide the researcher in determining the specific choice of study.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/ijecs.v2i1.4302
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