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Alwie, Aryaty binti
Alzahrani, Abdulrahman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Oakland University Rochester, Michigan 48309
Alzoubi, Ashraf Faleh
Alzubi, Solafah Farouq, Arab Open University (Jordan)
Amin, Muryanto, Universitas Sumatera Utara (Indonesia)
Amir, Muhammad Taufiq, Bakrie University (Indonesia)
Amir, Ofer, Department of Communication Disorders Sackler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Amirrul, Azrul Azizi
An, Li, San Diego State University (United States)
Anaya, Ana Segura, University of Zaragoza
Anbazhagan, K, Former Professor and Head, Department of English and Foreign Languages, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulathur - 603203 Tamil Nadu, India (India)
Andreas, Veglis,
Andrieieva, Olha
Anfusina, Min Sururi
Ang, Lay Hoon, Universitis Putra Malaysia (Malaysia)
Angelou, Ioannis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Greece)
Anindya, Annisa
Anisimova, Alla
Annisa, Firly, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Anorue, Uchenna Chijindu
Antoniades, Euripides, Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
Antoniades, Euripides
Antonopoulos, Nikos
Antonopoulos, Nikos, Ionian University (Greece)
Antonopoulos, Nikos, Department of Digital Media and Communication, Ionian University, Argostoli, Greece (Greece)

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