Construction of Fear: A Shared Experience of Indonesian Independent Horror Moviemakers

Atalia Praratya, Vidi Sukmayadi, Kenmada Widjajanto


This study explores the creative process of Indonesian independent horror moviemakers, explicitly analyzing how they generate elements of fear in their short movies. Using a phenomenological method, the authors conducted in-depth interviews with five emerging Indonesian independent moviemakers whose short movies had received acclaim for excellence or achieved exceptionally high levels of audience engagement. The data analysis identified nine significant themes related to the moviemakers' motivation and creative process. These themes provide insights into the delicate balance between the aesthetics of mise-en-scene (cinematic components) and cultural influences that contribute to the construction of fear in their movies. The findings highlight the significance of understanding the subtleties of the short movie format and the socio-cultural factors involved in horror production. The discovered themes demonstrate a collective experience among the moviemakers, emphasizing typical approaches and difficulties in producing captivating and fear-provoking horror short movies.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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