The Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Quality of Media Content

Najm Abed Khalaf Aleessawi, Solafah Farouq Alzubi


The article aimed to identify the repercussions of artificial intelligence (AI) on the quality of creating media content. The research employed the qualitative analytical method, conducting semi-structured interviews with seven Jordanian journalists who work in various media institutions in Jordan. The results revealed that the fields in which AI is employed are design and graphics, dealing with big data, and reformulating content and written texts and that the media content topics in which AI is employed are “technological,” “educational,” and “economic.” The most used AI applications and websites in journalism and media production were ChatGTP, Google Assistant,, Art Flow, QuillBot, Grammarly, Deepfake,, Chatbots, AI-Writer, Siri, Blockchain,, and others. The results also revealed that AI has had crucial impacts on the quality of media content through the accuracy of data analysis, the acceleration of the editing process, and the enhancement of the (human) journalist’s skill in editing and drafting. The authors recommended conducting more studies on AI in preparing fake news stories on social media platforms.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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