The Epics Reinterpreted: Highlighting Feminist Issues While Sustaining Deep Motif

Priyadarshini M C, Prakash A, Revathi P, Siva R


This article explores revisionist works based on the Ramayana and Mahabharata twin epics and looks at the voices of female protagonists. The main emphasis has been on the way that authoritative texts are utilized to create cultural hegemony on purpose for a particular impact. The article also highlights the power of stories and demonstrates how the textual politics in the retelling is directed towards achieving different outlines, especially the modern ideals of liberty, equality, and individuality. By providing a thorough study of the social and psychological struggles of epic women, the view also strikes at the fact that women encounter similar issues for generations. The review explores how Indian society’s patriarchal framework and social construction mistreated the epic heroines and how these elements still have an adverse effect on women in the present era. Their resistance patterns are used to classify and organize them.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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