The Structures of Visual Components on a Print Advertisement: A Case on Multimodal Analysis

Herman Herman, Sulistyani Sulistyani, Magdalena Ngongo, Endang Fatmawati, Nanda Saputra


The goal of this study is to undertake a multimodal analysis of a print advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy S5. According to Cheong (2004), the  general structure of print advertisements is as follows: Capture^Focus^Justification. This structure encompasses both the verbal and visual aspects of advertising. The goal of this study is to describe the structure of multimodal analysis observed in a print advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy S5. To achieve the research's goal, descriptive qualitative research was used. The information, which is a print advertisement, was gathered via Google image results. As a result, some data analysis procedures include searching for and printing the Samsung Galaxy S5 print advertisement from a google image result, reading the text and attempting to analyze the advertisement, classifying and analyzing the data (advertisement) according to the verbal and visual components as presented by Cheong (2004), and finally drawing a conclusion. Finally, the researchers discovered that the structure of verbal (Announcement, Enhancer, Emblem, Tag, Cal-and-visit information) and visual (Lead, Display, and Emblem) components are included in the advertisement.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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