A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Perez, Javier Fiz, University of Rome (Italy)
Pérez Mayo, Augusto Renato
Pérez-Gil, José A.
Perrin, Benjamin
Perrin, Jeffrey, Lesley University (United States)
Peters, Ron
Peters, Ronald J.
Peterson, Jane A., University of Missouri Kansas City (United States)
Phan, Phu, Human Services Program, California State University Dominguez Hills, USA (United States)
Phan, Phu Tai
Photiou, Irene
Piazza, Nick, College of Social Justice and Human Service, the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH (United States)
Pigatto, Giuliana Ap. Santini, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) (Brazil)
Pilkington, Andrew
Pippin, Megan
Placa, Vincent La
Placa, Vincent La
Place, Maurice
Plackowski, Emily, Oregon State University (United States)
Plouffe, Keith A., Walden University (United States)
Podolski, Christina, Cleveland State University (United States)
Podvorica, Armend
Poh, Betsy Lee Guat
Poncian, Japhace, Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies, Mkwawa University College of Education. (Tanzania, United Republic of)
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Paper Submission E-mail: ijsss@redfame.com
International Journal of Social Science Studies ISSN 2324-8033 (Print) ISSN 2324-8041 (Online)
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