Applied Communication in Classrooms: Tips for Teachers to Enhance English Communication among Tribal Learners in India

Binny Binoy, Subramania Pillai R


English language communication has a significant role in current culture. Teaching English language communication inside the classroom is a difficult task since it is directly linked to the outer world. Teaching Tribal learners how to communicate in English or to make them communicate more effectively is a difficult task. By analyzing tribal learners and the learning facilities that exist in India, this paper discusses some of the effective ways and methods to teach these students to help them communicate and express their views in English, which is an important need. Additionally, the technologically assisted applications which might help teachers in teaching English communication are also discussed. This study promises to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the need of inclusive education and the importance of address the disparity regarding English language learning and communication.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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