The Impact of Marketing Mix and Digital Integrated Marketing Communication on Improving Private Vocational Colleges Image in Chonburi Province

Somkiat Kumsumran, Duangrat Tandamrong


This research aims to explore the role of digital marketing communication and the marketing mix in creating and enhancing the image of private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province. The study focuses on four main objectives: (1) analyzing the demographics of students at these institutions, (2) examining the digital marketing strategies employed by the colleges, (3) investigating the application of the marketing mix, and (4) assessing the relationship between digital marketing communication and the marketing mix in enhancing the colleges' image. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research collected quantitative data from 388 students and qualitative insights from interviews with five college administrators. The findings reveal that the majority of students are male, enrolled in industrial programs, and generally have positive opinions about the digital marketing efforts and marketing mix employed by their institutions. College administrators recognize the significant impact of these strategies, particularly in areas such as curriculum development, service delivery, and public relations, which play a crucial role in strengthening the institution's image. This research highlights the importance of integrating digital marketing communication and the marketing mix to create a strong and memorable image for vocational colleges. By effectively meeting the needs and expectations of students, parents, and other stakeholders, these institutions can enhance their reputation and appeal.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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