Editorial: Media Content in the Digital Age

Amjad Safori, Nik Adzrieman B. Abd Rahman, Amer Khaled Ahmad



The information revolution that the world is experiencing now has caused a huge boom in the media industry and the patterns of information consumption, production, dissemination, and sharing of its contents.

The past two decades have witnessed very rapid development in the field of using artificial intelligence technology in various fields, including the use of artificial intelligence in digital media to improve the quality of performance, accelerating its impact and diversifying its content in quantity and quality with the development of the functions of using the Internet in media work, and there have become interrelated groups of technologies Digital is particularly poised to exert a transformative impact on the nature and quality of digital media in the 21st century. Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and big data are supported by the creation of new data-driven digital newsrooms.

Opinions differ on the importance or risks of digital technologies in the field of media. Some see them as a threat because the use of writing techniques and automated reports is likely to lead to an additional decline in the media role in light of new policies for media organizations seeking more cost-cutting measures. However, the prevailing positive trend is He believes that the developments of digital technologies in the field of digital media will provide creative media professionals and digital media leaders with an opportunity to reorganize the practice of media work using these emerging technologies that will add greater efficiencies in newsrooms, and improve the skill, efficiency, and quality of media production and the media organization.

The current special issue covers the following topics; Digital media technologies and their interactions with traditional media, Artificial intelligence techniques and their impact on the form and content of the media message, Digital media technologies as a mechanism for investigation, scrutiny, and detection of fake news and rumors, Employing mobile journalism and data journalism in the media content industry, The advertising industry and media content marketing in light of digital technologies, Psychological and social effects of applications and tools of the digital age, Influencers and content creators on social media, Employment of social media by media organizations , Legal aspects of digital media content: cybercrime, intellectual property, professional and ethical controls, and hate speech, and Challenges of creating digital media content.


Guest Editorial Board

Guest Editors-in-Chief

Dr. Amjad Safori, Zarqa University, Jordan

Associate Professor in Digital Media and the Dean of the Faculty of Media, Zarqa University, Jordan.


Dr. Nik Adzrieman B. Abd Rahman, UUM, Malaysia

Associate Professor in Communication in the School of Multimedia, Technology Media and Communication, UUM, Malaysia.


Dr. Amer Khaled, Zarqa University, Jordan

Assistant professor in Media and Deputy of Dean - Faculty of Media, Zarqa University, Jordan. Khaled is a specialist in media research and statistics


Dr. Khalaf Tahat, Yarmouk University, Jordan and United Arab Emirates University, UAE

Dr. Mokhtar Elareshi, Sharjah University, UAE

Dr. Said Salloum, Sharjah University, UAE and University of Salford, UK

Dr. Marcelle Jwaniat, Yarmouk University, Jordan

Ahmed Makharesh, University of Southern Mississippi, USA

Shlash Alzyoud, University of Southern Mississippi, USA

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/smc.v11i3.5971


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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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