Impression Marketing as a Tool for Building Emotional Connections in the Public Administration Sphere

Nataliia Likarchuk, Olha Andrieieva, Daria Likarchuk, Andrii Bernatskyi


Marketing is an extremely dynamic and intensive phenomenon, and the transformations taking place in the modern market paradigm cause the emergence of impression marketing in different spheres including the political one. This article is aimed at the analysis of the marketing of impressions as a tool in the political sphere. Emotions that influence making decisions were identified. Ukrainian post-Maidan society was studied and the population reaction to President V. Zelensky’s emotional style of communication was analysed. As the result of the study, it was found that emotional marketing affects a person’s feelings, their emotional state and is associated with the creation of positive associations. It can be stated that modern politics is characterized by components of attraction, theatricality, entertainment. Action management in Ukrainian political space is studied and such examples as speeches by politicians, parliamentary sittings, arrests and searches of businessmen are provided. The general perception of the president was evaluated and it was found that the emotional feelings of the population are almost polar. It was concluded that emotions are an indicator of the political situation in the country and in Ukraine, in the political sphere, fear is one of the decisive emotions which, in particular, plays a mobilizing role. Thus, impression marketing is a powerful tool for adjusting the electorate to the emotional rhythm of information perception.

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Studies in Media and Communication      ISSN 2325-8071 (Print)   ISSN 2325-808X (Online)

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