Experimental Assessment of Energy Performance and Emissions of a Residential Microcogenerator
Microcogeneration can guarantee sensible primary energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the residential sector. In this paper, the results of experimental tests carried out on a microcogenerator (5.5 kW electric power and 14.8 kW thermal power) based on a natural gas fuelled internal combustion engine, integrated with a condensing boiler, have been analyzed. Tests have been performed out at Institute for Energy Economy and Application Technology (IfE) of Technical University of Munich (Germany).
The test facility allowed to simulate the thermal energy requirements of a real residential application, represented by a Multi Family House consisting of 10 apartments, and to evaluate the energy flows of the conversion devices in actual operating conditions. Four type days, characteristic of Mediterranean climatic conditions, have been used to define space heating and domestic hot water user’s requirements.
Experimental tests have been performed to implement energy and environmental analysis, comparing the system consisting of cogenerator and integration boiler with a reference system. Results showed that the former can achieve a primary energy saving of about 6%, and CO2 equivalent emissions reduction of about 12%.
Finally, the algorithm defined by the European Directive on the promotion of high efficiency cogeneration has been implemented; it demonstrated that the primary energy saving is well above the limit value prescribed by the Directive. Therefore the cogeneration plant can access support mechanisms that can help to achieve the economic feasibility of the system, besides energy and environmental benefits.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/set.v1i2.441
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