Experimental Quantification of Metallurgy Changes Induced by Laser Welding in AISI304 Stainless Steel
Laser-welded joints of stainless steel AISI304 are investigated experimentally to determine the transfor- mation of austenite to martensite during the welding process. This transformation, which occurs in the welded region due to heating and residual stresses, can influence the fatigue and fracture properties of the affected material. Therefore, the scope of the present study is to determine the quantity of introduced martensite in the welded region and hereby clarify the influence of laser welding on the fatigue and fracture properties of welded AISI304 joints. The quantification of martensite concentration is carried out by use of four different methods, namely Lichtenegger and Bloech (LB1) etching, Ferritescope, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Vickers hardness. It is found that a concentration of 1-1.6 % martensite is introduced in the laser-welded area; a quantity that has insignificant influence on the fatigue properties of the joints.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/set.v1i2.437
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Studies in Engineering and Technology ISSN 2330-2038 (Print) ISSN 2330-2046 (Online)
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