Times Semi-Passive RFID Tags with Double Loop Antennas Arranged as a Shifted Gate Stability Optimization
In this article, Very Crucial subject discussed in Semi-Passive RFID TAGs system stability. Semi-Passive TAGs with double loop antennas arranged as a shifted gate system stability optimization under delayed electromagnetic interferences. The double loop antenna is employed due to the fact that this antenna consists of two parallel loops; i.e., primary and secondary loops. We define Vi1(t) and Vi2(t) as the voltages in time on double loop antennas. Vi1(t) is the voltage in time on the primary loop and Vi2(t) is the voltage in time on the secondary loop. The index (i) stand for the first gate (i=1) and second gate (i=2). Due to electromagnetic interferences there are different in time delays respect to gate antenna's first and second loop voltages and voltages derivatives. The delayed voltages are Vi1(t-τ1) and Vi2(t-τ2) respectively (τ1≠ τ2) and delayed voltages derivatives are dVi1(t-Δ1)/dt, dVi2(t-Δ2)/dt respectively.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.11114/set.v1i1.320
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Studies in Engineering and Technology ISSN 2330-2038 (Print) ISSN 2330-2046 (Online)
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